“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” has been set to music by Roger Miller in this down-home Broadway musical! Winner of 7 Tony Awards, the show captivated audiences with such hits as: Do Ya Wanna Go to Heaven, The Boys, Waitin' for the Light to Shine, Hand for the Hog, and more. A dynamic medley recreating the spirit of the show! Performance Time: Approx. 16:00.
Big River (Medley) [HL:8200681]
- UPC:
- 73999006810
- Composer:
- (arr. Lojeski)
- EAN:
- 0
- Instrumentation:
- Minimum Order Quantity:
- 5
- Pages:
- 40
- UPC:
- 73999006810
- Format:
- Octavo. SATB
- Subtitle:
- Pop Choral Series
- Original Currency:
- Vendor:
- Hal Leonard