This edition for the first time distinguishes between father and son, i.e. between works composed by Vincent Lübeck Senior (1654-1740) and works composed by Vincent Lübeck Junior (1684-1755). As a consequence, this new edition carefully edited from the sources is of particular importance to organ research. Inttroduction • Works from Vincent Lübeck Senior: Praeludium C-major • Praembulum c minor • Praeludium d minor • Praeambulum E major • Praeludium g minor • Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (Chorale fantasia) • Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren (Versus cycle) • Werke von Vincent Lübeck Junior: Paeambulum F major • Praeambulum G major
- Vendor:
- Hal Leonard
- Composer:
- includes work by Vincent Lübeck, Sr. (1654-1740) and Vincent Lübeck, Jr. (1684-1755)
- EAN:
- 9783795797744
- Minimum Order Quantity:
- 1
- Pages:
- 84
- UPC:
- 841886008359
- Subtitle:
- Masters of the North German Organ School Series. Schott
- Original Currency: