Originally composed for voice and piano and part of Des Knaben Wunderhorn, Das himmlische leben was never published as such and would appear years later as the foundation and final movement of Mahler's 4th Symphony. Klaus Simon transcribed the songs of Des Knaben Wunderhorn for ensemble mini in 2012, and now has transcribed Das himmlische leben for voice and piano with clarinet.
- Vendor:
- Fischer Presser
- Composer:
- Gustav Mahler
- Format:
- Parts
- 9783702474898.0
- 9790008088186
- Instrumentation:
- Voice, Clarinet in Bb, Piano
- Scoring:
- Voice, Clarinet in Bb, Piano
- Subtitle:
- fur Klarinette, Sopran, und Klavier
- Copyright Year:
- 2017