'A Multicultural Celebration of the Season.' Staging by John Jacobson. Orchestrated by John Higgins. Celebrate the wonder, the joy...and the diversity of the month of December with this imaginative 30-minute all-school revue for elementary or middle school performers by Roger Emerson. A group of young people, while collecting canned goods for a food bank, discovers holiday traditions of other cultures. Through their experiences, they grow to understand each other better, and learn that peace, joy, and hope are holiday traditions that can be shared by all.
Available: Teacher's Manual, Singer's Edition (5-Pak), Preview CD (full performance only), Performance/Accompaniment Cassette and CD. Performance Time: 30 minutes. For Gr. 1-8.
Available: Teacher's Manual, Singer's Edition (5-Pak), Preview CD (full performance only), Performance/Accompaniment Cassette and CD. Performance Time: 30 minutes. For Gr. 1-8.