Diction Coach - G. Schirmer Opera Anthology (Arias for Mezzo-Soprano) [HL:50486257]

G. Schirmer, Inc.

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Diction lessons on each aria in the series recorded by top language coaches from the Metropolitan Opera and the Juilliard School plus International Phonetic Alphabet and word for word translations

With these book/audio packages that match the standard aria collections edited by Robert L. Larsen, any singer anywhere has access to the best diction coaching available at a very affordable price.

Contents: ADRIANA LECOUVREUR: Acerba volutta • THE BALLAD OF BABY DOE: Augusta! How can you turn away? • IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA: Una voce poco fa • CARMEN: L'amour est un oiseau rebelle (Habanera), Pres des remparts de Seville (Seguidilla), En vain, pour eviter • CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA: Voi lo sapete • LA CENERENTOLA: Non piu mesta • THE CONSUL: Lullaby • COSI FAN TUTTE: Smanie implacabili • DIDO AND AENEAS: When I am laid in earth • FAUST: Faites-lui mes aveux • LA FAVORITA: O mio Fernando! • DIE FLEDERMAUS: Chacun a son gout • LA GIOCONDA: Voce di donna • LES HUGUENOTS: Nobles seigneurs, salut! • L'ITALIANA IN ALGERI: Cruda sorte!... Gia so per pratica • LUCREZIA BORGIA: Il segreto per esser felici • THE MOTHER OF US ALL: We cannot retrace our steps • LE NOZZE DI FIGARO: Non so piu cosa son, Voi, che sapete • ORFEO ED EURIDICE: Che faro senza Euridice? • ROMEO ET JULIETTE: Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle • THE SAINT OF BLEECKER STREET: Ah, Michele, don't you know • SAMSON ET DALILA: Printemps qui commence, Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse!, Mon Coeur s'ouvre a ta voix • IL TROVATORE: Stride la vampa! • VANESSA: Must the winter come so soon? • WERTHER: Va! Laisse couler mes larmes
Hal Leonard
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Softcover Audio Online. Book/Online Audio
Arias for Mezzo-Soprano. Vocal Collection
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