Premiered by Maestro Eugene Migliaro Corporon conducting the National Honor Band of America, this spectacular memorial for renowned band director Charles Campbell will surround your students and audiences in layers of emotion. Expressive moments upon moments allow the ensemble to follow their musical instincts, gaining an aesthetic reward each time. Typical of performances, the work fades into introspective silence, then is followed by lengthy applause. Available in the original three-movement set, and also just Mvt. 1, The Stillness of Remembering. Dur: 9:00 Premiered by Maestro Eugene Migliaro Corporon conducting the National Honor Band of America, this spectacular memorial for renowned band director Charles Campbell will surround your students and audiences in layers of emotion. Expressive moments upon moments allow the ensemble to follow their musical instincts, gaining an aesthetic reward each time. Typical of performan
- Composer:
- Samuel R. Hazo
- EAN:
- 0
- Instrumentation:
- Score
- Minimum Order Quantity:
- 1
- Pages:
- 24
- UPC:
- 888680069018
- Format:
- Score Only
- Subtitle:
- MusicWorks Grade 4
- Original Currency:
- Vendor:
- Hal Leonard