Transcriptions of Lieder [CF:PL1056]

Carl Fischer Music

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Compiled and edited by Nicholas Hopkins, this collection of Liszt’s Transcriptions of Lieder by Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, and Clara Schumann reveals a wealth of information about the interpretation and performance practices of the nineteenth century. Liszt was so successful in promoting the names of Schubert and Schumann through his transcriptions, that as the reputations and achievements of the composers grew more appreciated, performers and publishers gave more attention to the original works, causing these transcriptions to be lesser known. This compilation includes fifteen transcriptions of Franz Schubert’s Lieder, including Erlkönig, Gretchen am Spinnrade, and Die Forelle, twelve of Robert Schumann’s Lieder and three from Clara Schumann.


SKU: PL1056
Publisher: Carl Fischer Music
Delivery Method: Print
Product Type: Collection
Page count: 128
Weight: 0.9 lbs.
UPC: 6-80160-91089-2
ISBN: 978-1-4911-5339-0



Fischer Presser
Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Clara Schumann
Nicholas Hopkins