This sweeping, CG-animated feature film about an adventurous teenager who is inspired to leave the safety and security of her island on a daring journey to save her people – with a little help from a demigod – features original songs by Hamilton's Lin-Manuel Miranda. This folio features seven songs from the soundtrack including: How Far I'll Go • I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) • Know Who You Are • Shiny • We Know the Way • Where You Are • You're Welcome. This souvenir folio also includes beautiful full-color scenes from the film.
Moana [HL:204662]
- UPC:
- 888680658137
- Composer:
- Original Songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa'i, Mark Mancina
- EAN:
- 9781495083174
- 1495083179
- Minimum Order Quantity:
- 1
- Pages:
- 48
- UPC:
- 888680658137
- Format:
- Softcover. P/V/G
- Subtitle:
- Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack. Piano/Vocal/Guitar Songbook
- Original Currency:
- Vendor:
- Hal Leonard