Tangled is Disney's popular animated film from 2010, based on the German fairy tale Rapunzel. This book includes two songs from the movie, arranged for lever or pedal harp by Sylvia Woods: “I See the Light” and “Healing Incantation.” Both pieces include lyrics, fingerings, and lever or pedal changes. “I See the Light” is the love song between Rapunzel and Flynn, sung in the boat during the lantern ceremony. This 5-page intermediate arrangement is in the key of C with F and G lever changes throughout. The range is 31 strings, from the C 2 octaves below middle C up to the E 2 octaves and 2 strings above middle C. The one-page “Healing Incantation” is the song that Rapunzel sings when her hair creates the magic. It is in the key of 1 sharp, with G and C lever changes. It can be played by advanced beginners with experience in making lever changes. The range is 22 strings, from the E almost 2 octaves below middle C, up to the E 9 strings above middle C. It can be played on many 26-string harps, if played an octave higher than written. Both pieces are included in this sheet music.
- Composer:
- Arr. Sylvia Woods
- EAN:
- 9780936661605
- 936661607
- Minimum Order Quantity:
- 1
- Pages:
- 4
- UPC:
- 888680014209
- Format:
- Softcover
- Subtitle:
- Music from the Disney Motion Picture Arranged for Harp. Harp
- Original Currency:
- Vendor:
- Hal Leonard