Tchaikovsky created this ambitious series of duets from a selection of folksongs which had been collected by Balakirev, Villebois, and Tchaikovsky himself. These fairly simple pieces are a treasure trove of rich keyboard excellence. Always a favorite with students. Difficulty Level: 1-2.
Includes complete printed music score with both primo and secondo piano parts, and a compact disc featuring the duets in two formats: split-channel stereo with secondo part on the left channel, primo on the right, so you can play either part; and then again with just the secondo part in stereo so you can perform the primo part alongside.
Performed by Sondra Bianca, piano
Accompaniment: Harriet Wingreen, piano
Includes complete printed music score with both primo and secondo piano parts, and a compact disc featuring the duets in two formats: split-channel stereo with secondo part on the left channel, primo on the right, so you can play either part; and then again with just the secondo part in stereo so you can perform the primo part alongside.
Performed by Sondra Bianca, piano
Accompaniment: Harriet Wingreen, piano