Embark on a voyage of discovery with this captivating collection of 14 new Pacific Preludes from the creator of Microjazz, inspired by traditional music from the shores of the world's largest ocean. Each Prelude weaves together native themes from countries including Australia, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Japan, Peru, New Zealand and the United States of America with Christopher Norton's characteristically innovative popular music styles. Ideal for intermediate to advanced-level keyboard players. An accompanying CD puts each prelude on the map with stylish demonstration performances by Iain Farrington.
- EAN:
- 9781784541668
- 1784541664
- Minimum Order Quantity:
- 1
- Pages:
- 52
- UPC:
- 888680708788
- Format:
- Softcover with CD. Book/CD Pack
- Subtitle:
- Book with CD. BH Piano
- Original Currency:
- Vendor:
- Hal Leonard