Walt Disney Animation Studios presents the musical, The Princess and the Frog, an animated comedy set in the great city of New Orleans. This modern twist on a classic tale features a beautiful girl named Tiana, a frog prince who desperately wants to be human again, and a fateful kiss that leads them both on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana. With songs by Academy Award®-winning composer Randy Newman, the sounds of jazz, zydeco, blues and gospel will create an unforgettable musical experience that will delight singers and audiences of all ages. Songs include: Almost There, Dig a Little Deeper, Down in New Orleans, Ma Belle Evangeline, When We're Human. Available separately: SATB, SAB, 2-Part, ShowTrax CD. Duration: ca. 10:00.
The Princess and the Frog [HL:8751553]
- UPC:
- 884088396848
- Composer:
- arr. Mac Huff
- EAN:
- 0
- Instrumentation:
- Minimum Order Quantity:
- 5
- Pages:
- 44
- UPC:
- 884088396848
- Format:
- Subtitle:
- (Choral Medley). Disney Choral
- Original Currency:
- Vendor:
- Hal Leonard